Wednesday, September 3, 2008

If You're Going To San Francisco....

Well folks, in a few hours I will be making the drive to the airport to start my work trip to San Francisco. I will try to add a few posts but I will probably be kept pretty busy being prim and proper....and with any luck...charming.

Keep cheering for the Yankees and cross your fingers that the Colts start their season off right by beating da bears.


Anonymous said...

Bet you weren't bitching about AROD last night!

You sure travel alot. What do you do for a living?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Joba Chamberlain is the next coming of Jesus Christ. There has to be some kind of divine intervention going on or how else could anyone describe the Yankees sudden good luck with him off the DL. I am not a believer yet but if they sweep the Rays I might be.

How long you gone this time?

Anonymous said...

I miss your ramblings already!!!

THE TODD said...

Everytime I hear that song I always think of Sams Clams Disco, damn you!

I hope all is well my friend. Give me a shout this week when you get a free minute