Answer to Final Jeopardy - Songs from the Billboard's Top 100 from 1988.
Tonight's Category: Name That Song
$200 - I look at you and I fantasize that you're mine tonight.
$ 400 - You treat me like a princess and I'm not used to liking that.
$ 600 - No one matters more in my life or makes me feel like you make me feel inside.
$ 800 - I'll show you love...I'll show you everything.
$1000 - If there's a way, I'll find it some day and then this fool will rush in.
Final Jeopardy - What do these songs have in common?
So this should be the final night that I do the Jeopardy thing. Sleep seems unlikely so my brain might actually start functioning in its normal, sleep deprived capacity soon.
On a baseball note...Damn the Dodgers and them ruining my evil plan.
I knew that you be pissed. Are you starting to remember why you hated Manny so much.
200 Hungry Eyes
400 ?
600 ?
800 Arms Wide Open
1000 ?
Final - No fucking clue.
Tough list of songs Milville.
$200 - Hungry Eyes
$400 - Don't know
$600 - Don't Know
$800 - Arms Wide Open
$1000 - Put Your Head On My Shoulder
Final Jeopardy - Songs that suck
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